  • 5 days trekking with a full pack
  • 4 nights camping
  • 4 Dinners
  • 5 Lunches
  • 4 Breakfasts

5 Days$3095AUD

Trip Code: JME

Walls Of Jerusalem Circuit Trip highlights

  • Expert photography advice & tutorials from Mike Edmondson throughout the trip
  • Discover a magnificent alpine area that is only accessible by foot
  • Spectacular campsite locations
  • The opportunity to summit numerous peaks and the views gained as a reward for our effort
  • Abundant wildlife and stunning endemic wildflowers
  • Delicious evening meals cooked by your wilderness guides
  • Majestic stands of thousand year old pencil pines, and sparkling lakes as far as the eye can see

Visit Tasmania's only true alpine National Park, the Walls of Jerusalem, on this six day full-pack bushwalking expedition.

Join acclaimed alpine photographer Mike Edmondson on this unique adventure to the 'Land of a Thousand Lakes', capturing the light as it fades over the spectacular mountain scenery, and then after sunset, have the opportunity to photograph the starlit Milky Way above beautiful wilderness camp spots. Rather than technical camera talk, this tour will focus primarily on the “artistry of photography”. For most of Mike's working life he has been creating beautiful art with his camera. Now he’s ready to share what he has learned with other photographers interested in transforming their best compositions into striking works of art.

During this six day tour Mike will be discussing and giving practical demonstrations throughout as we take in all the Park has to offer, including its pristine wilderness and rare and wonderful endemic flora and fauna. In the northern confines of the park we spend each day exploring the surrounding peaks and valleys of the Central Walls region. There will be options to summit King Davids Peak (1499m), one of Tasmania's highest peaks, as well as walks up Mt Jerusalem, The Temple, and Solomons Throne.

This National Park offers majestic, spellbinding landscape paired with world-class walking opportunities. Join us in exploring Tasmania's captivating and unforgettable Walls of Jerusalem.



Today you will be collected from your accommodation in Launceston at approximately 7am and transferred to the Walls of Jerusalem National Park entry point. Carrying our full backpacks into this magnificent highland area will provide us with a challenge, but with plenty of encouragement from our guides as well as snacks and rest stops, the climb is achievable and well worth it. We will pass the old Trappers Hut, ascend steeply through tall eucalyptus forests filled with melodious bird call, then meander past the sparking tarns of Solomons Jewels, before arriving at our campsite. This comfortable camp at Wild Dog Creek will be our base for the next two nights. Be sure to have your cameras close by while keeping an eye out for native pademelons and curious wombats roaming around at dusk. Walking Distance: 6km | Walking Time: 3-4 hours

Meals:  L,D

Today is a bushwalker's dream. After breakfast at our scenic camp, we venture further into the wilderness to explore this alpine paradise carrying just day packs. We can climb Solomons Throne from where we have an excellent view of the area we walked on the previous day. From here there may be a chance to walk further along the west wall to King Davids Peak, otherwise we head back down into the Vale of Bethesda and enjoy yet more of the lakes, tarns, forests and open grass lands that make this such a superb and pristine walking location. If the weather is nice, some may brave a refreshing swim in the picturesque Pools of Bethesda. Our last night at Wild Dog is spent enjoying the serenity of the Tasmanian Alpine environment from our comfortable camp. Our private camping platforms will serve the perfect setting for more world class astro photography as we keep our fingers crossed for another cloudless night under the Milky Way. Walking Distance 7-8km | Walking Time 4-5 hours

Meals:  B,L,D

This morning the group may opt to rise before the sun, take the short walk up to the Vale of Bethesda and catch the first morning light on the surrounding peaks. After a warm breakfast we pack up camp we begin our walk deeper into the park towards Dixons Kingdom. Passing Lake Salome and the Pool of Bethesda we reach the imposing dolerite Gate of Damascus. From the 'Gate' we descend through a rare stand of ancient pencil pines, coming to lush grasslands known as Dixons Kingdom. The cultural heritage hut here was built in the early 1930s by Reg Dixon, a trapper of the time. If the group is feeling up to it, the guides will look to summit the impressive Mt Jerusalem. On a clear day the views from Mt Jerusalem stretch across the central highlands where you will see why the area is referred to as the ‘Land of a Thousand Lakes’. Here we experience the best 360 degree view in the park. Tonight we will camp on the platforms at Dixons Hut, where we will experience more expansive skylines and native wildlife. The hut itself, along with the surrounding pencil pines will provide a stunning setting for further photography opportunities with Mike. As the sun goes down, there will be ample time to share more stories with the group as we await more starry skies. Walking distance: 4km | Walking Time: 3-4 hours

Meals:  B,L,D

This morning we pack up camp and continue to follow the circuit south, to the shores of Lake Ball. The going will be slightly easier going today, with no peaks on the way to our final camp spot at the tip of Lake Adelaide. The northern banks of Lake Ball lie in the midday shadow of Mount Moriah, which takes us through thick forest and over slippery tree roots towards Lake Adelaide, which serves as a wonderful checkpoint at the end of another enjoyable day of hiking. Tonight we will camp at Lake Adelaide where there are new bathroom facilities available. As the sun sets over the lake and the guides prepare the group's final dinner, we sit on the banks, take in our last sunset together and watch the sky as it changes colour. Walking distance: 5km | Walking Time: 4-5 hours

Meals:  B,L,D

This morning we bid farewell to this truly outstanding part of Tasmania's World Heritage Area and begin our walk off the plateau. We head north along the Junction Lake Track, through the flat open plains back to Trappers Hut. Our morning walk will take us through many more glistening tarns and bright-green cushion plants - a real signature of the Tassie wilderness. Clumner Bluff stands tall in the distance towards the north of the park and acts as a perfect marker leading us back towards the Walls of Jerusalem car park. Just before lunch we arrive back at our bus, shrug off our trusty backpacks and drive to Mole Creek for a celebratory meal together at the locally run Earthwater Cafe. Congratulations on completing one of Tasmania's most magnificent and unforgettable wilderness walks! We drop you at your Launceston accommodation by approximately 4:00pm. Walking Distance: 9km | Walking Time: 6-7 hours

Meals:  B,L


  • Professional photographic tuition
  • 2 professional wilderness guides
  • 4 nights camping
  • 4 breakfasts, 5lunches, 4 dinners, snacks and hot drinks
  • Transport by private minibus
  • National Park fees
  • Tent, backpack and gaiters
  • Sleeping bag, inner sheet and inflatable sleeping mat
  • Emergency communications and group first aid kit

  • Camera & other photography equipment
  • Travel to and from Launceston
  • Accommodation before or after the trip
  • Items of a personal nature: alcoholic beverages, car parking etc
  • Travel insurance

About Your Leader

Alpine mornings with Mike Edmondson&#160;-&#160;<i>Photo:&#160;Mike Edmondson</i>

Mike Edmondson has been a professional photographer for over thirty years. The mountains, snow and the bush have been part of his life since he was small, travelling with his family to Kiandra in a two cylinder Bradford to ski and bushwalk.

These early years instilled within Mike a deep connection with the Australian Alps. Drawn back into the mountains time and again to explore this unique area, Mike's camera became a tool to record the unforgettable images of the Snowy Mountains.

What began as a hobby has become a passion. For Mike, the underlying principle is an appreciation and love of the outdoors. His images reference journeys through the mountains, visions of the natural world to share. Feeling love and a connection for each other and the environment is the first step to finding peace, happiness and compassion in a busy world.

Mike has won many photographic awards. Most recently, in 2013 his photo "Mt Geryon" was selected from over 250 entries as a contender for the 2014 IceInSpace Astronomy Calendar.

From 1981 to 2005 Mike owned and managed the Paddy Pallin Outdoor Adventure shop in Jindabyne. From here he started guiding people into the backcountry of Kosciuszko and used his photography skills to market the business. He also opened the first photographic gallery in Jindabyne - showcasing the very best of his alpine photography.

A stunning overview of his current favourite images can be seen on his personal website at https://mikeedmondson.com.au/galleries.php





This adventure involves trekking for up to 6 or 7 hours a day at a steady pace, carrying a full trekking backpack. You will need a good level of fitness and must be in good health. Be prepared for potential variable weather conditions. Walks within the Walls of Jerusalem National Park are challenging and can be steep in sections. Suggested preparation: We recommend one hour of strenuous exercise 4 times per week (this can be cycling, jogging or walking) interspersed with relatively demanding bushwalks carrying a full pack weight (up to 20kgs). At least once a week, you should walk with a weighted day pack (5–7kg) for several hours for leg strengthening and aerobic fitness. The best exercise for our more challenging treks is multi day bushwalking involving relatively steep ascents and descents and in variable weather conditions.

Departure dates


A high season supplement applies from 1 December to 15 February, and for any trip that overlaps a public holiday.
Permits for tours from 8 October 2023 onwards are to be confirmed.
These trips follow a reverse itinerary.

Priceper person from


Options & Supplements*
    *Prices listed are per person

Essential Information

Ready to book? Make sure you download and read the detailed Walls of Jerusalem Photography Trek with Mike Edmondson trip notes which contains all the essential information you need to know before booking. Once you’ve booked, we will supply you with a Pre-Departure document which contains a detailed gear list and other important information to help you prepare for your adventure ahead.

Frequently Asked Questions

As the Walls of Jerusalem is renowned as being a true wilderness walk, you cannot expect phone reception while on the trail. For certain mobile carriers, there is sometimes sporadic phone reception. However, this cannot be relied upon. Our guides carry emergency satellite phones which allow them to communicate with our base in Launceston if any emergencies arise. Rest assured you are not completely alone in the wilderness.

The trip runs between October and April when we have the best chance for warmer temperatures, but you are likely to experience all sorts of weather while in Tasmania. Tasmania is known for it's rapidly changing weather. You will need to be prepared to walk in all weather conditions as winds, steady rain, and even snow in elevated areas, can occur at any time of year.

In Spring (October and November) you will enjoy fewer crowds and the wildflowers are in bloom. Spring marks the return of longer, warmer days while still being cool at night.

In Summer (December to February) you can experience ideal weather conditions. This is the most popular time to walk in Tasmania so you may encounter more people on the trail.

In Autumn you can experience calm, sunny days, and cool crisp nights. You can also witness some of the leaves and trees begin to change colours.

The Walls of Jerusalem is a moderate to challenging bushwalk with some long days, full packs and variable conditions. The terrain is rugged and remote. Tracks may be long, rough and steep. Over the trip you will walk along boardwalks, up and down steps, through overgrown forests, through muddy sections and scramble over rocks. This is a true wilderness walk.

You will need to have a good to excellent level of fitness for the Walls of Jerusalem Circuit. You will be carrying a full pack while trekking in remote areas for up to 7 to 8 hours a day. Previous multi day hiking experience is preferred, as is previous experience on a full pack trek. If you have any questions about your suitability please give us a call and speak with one of our staff members. We are more than happy to discuss additional information about what you can expect.

For your expedition you will need to carry all equipment in a full trekking backpack that is 75-90 Litres in capacity. Depending on the quantity of personal gear and toiletries the average pack weight will be between 17-20kg

Unfortunately there are no charging facilities in the Walls of Jerusalem National Park. We recommend bringing extra batteries or solar chargers for your phones. To conserve battery power on your mobile devices, turn your phones into flight mode.

You can either leave your excess luggage at the hotel that you stay at the night prior to the trip beginning, or alternatively, we can store it for you at our office in Launceston.

This trek commences with a COMPULSORY pre-departure briefing at 12pm on the day before departure. It is ESSENTIAL that you make your travel arrangements to enable you to attend this briefing and that you bring along all of the gear/clothing required for your expedition with you.

You will be returned to your accommodation at approximately 5pm on the final day of the trek.

We highly recommend that you have high cut hiking boots for this trail. There are lots of slippery tree roots in the rainforest areas, so ankle support will be beneficial. Also, you may encounter mud along the way, so if they are waterproof, you will hopefully have nice dry feet at the end of the day.

Hiking poles can definitely assist you with going up and down the inclines and for stability in mud or slippery tree roots. If you have not used them previously, we recommend that you do some training with them before you head out on the hike.

Unfortunately there are no shower facilities in the Walls of Jerusalem National Park. For those who are concerned about washing, the closest you’ll come to a bath are the alpine lakes that are accessible each day, where you can have a quick refreshing dip. However, for a real cleanse we recommend you bring baby wipes (remember to take them out with you as well!).

Tasmania prides itself on clean pure water and most of the water along the track is safe to drink without purifying. Our guides will let you know the best spots to fill up your water supply.

You’d be surprised how much food you’ll eat after a day’s trekking. Our guides are experienced when it comes to preparing meals in wilderness locations. We are able to have fresh produce almost every night along the trail. Lunches usually consist of vegetable wraps with hams, chicken or salami, while evening meals can vary from curries, stroganoff and pastas. Deserts include improvised apple pie, and even a chocolate mousse if you’re lucky! Start your day with a hearty porridge or muesli, with snacks throughout the day including fruit and nuts, muesli bars and some fruit.

As this is a full pack adventure, each trekker is required to carry a portion of the group’s food, whether it be a couple of cucumbers, lettuce heads or a bag of pasta. All types of dietary requirements are catered for, including vegetarian, gluten free, lactose free, nut free etc.

Walls Of Jerusalem Circuit Trip reviews

Walls Of Jerusalem Circuit Videos

Walls of Jerusalem Circuit

Positive Impact Travel

By joining this trip you are directly supporting positive impact projects in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

We’ve offset the carbon emitted by this trip by purchasing credits that support important projects that address the UN’s seventeen SDGs, like reducing poverty, affordable and clean energy, reducing hunger, clean water and climate action.

Proceeds from this adventure purchase carbon credits through the world’s largest and most awarded carbon project developer, South Pole, which are invested into projects accelerating the transition to renewable energy sources in developing countries.

Supported projects are based on internationally recognised standards and are third-party audited. They entail a series of positive impacts on the ground, which benefit local communities and ecosystems, that are aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.