Introductory to Moderate

Traveller Rating


  • Day walks
  • 5 nights exclusive semi-permanent campsites
  • 5 Dinners
  • 6 Lunches
  • 5 Breakfasts

6 Days$3395AUD

Trip Code: KAK

Kakadu Explorer Trip highlights

  • Sunset cruise on the Yellow Water billabong, home to a variety of wildlife
  • Enjoy day walks through the diverse habitat of the escarpment, from cool Monsoon Vine Forest to the rugged stone country on top
  • Experience the iconic Jim Jim Falls (subject to seasonal access)
  • Stay in exclusive semi-permanent campsites
  • View some of the most beautiful indigenous rock art galleries
  • Learn about the area with your expert guides

Kakadu National Park is a World Heritage Area covering some 20,000 square kms. Waterfalls tumble from the red cliffs off the Arnhem Land escarpment into shady pools; tranquil wetlands teem with animal and bird life, while 40,000 years of Aboriginal cultural heritage is on display in the numerous hidden rock art galleries. Get away from the crowds on our walking based itinerary, which includes a cruise on the Yellow Waters (a favourite haunt of saltwater crocodiles). It's when you go for a walk beyond the main tourist sites that Kakadu will reveal its true magic.

Our collection of day walks venture in to remote gorges and sparkling waterfalls, as well as visit ancient rock-art seen by very few visitors. The upgraded semi-permanent campsites encourage travellers to relax in idyllic tropical surrounds. The itinerary varies to make the most of the season, choosing the best walks and waterfalls as the wet season floodwaters recede and access opens up. You will return to Darwin having enjoyed a complete adventure across the full range of tropical wilderness of Australia's Top End.



Our journey begins with a Darwin accommodation pick-up between 7-7:30am and travels south-east to Kakadu National Park. On the way we meet with Wulna Aboriginal elders for a traditional welcome to country, followed by morning tea, damper and a chance to discuss culture, or take a walk by the billabong. In the afternoon, after a scrumptious lunch, we visit a highlight of the Park, the world famous Ubirr Rock and enjoy the stunning walk past numerous breathtaking art sites that lead to the top of Ubirr rock and the awe inspiring view across the flood plains over northern Kakadu and to Arnhem land. In the late afternoon we drive south into in the heart of Kakadu National Park to our Djarradjin Billabong camp. After choosing your tent and enjoying a shower, we relax around the campfire and enjoy a delicious evening meal. Walking distance: 3km Approx drive time: 6 hours spread over the day. *You will need to arrive in Darwin the day before your trip, ensuring that you arrive in time to attend the 3:00pm pre-trip briefing.

Meals:  L,D

After a delicious, nourishing breakfast we drive a short distance to Nourlangie massif and begin our walk. We will take in one of the stunning lookouts of the Barrk and Nourlangie Circuit. Barrk is the indigenous name for the male black wallaroo, a member of the kangaroo family which lives in this area. From here it's a short drive to Angbangbang where we have the option of the stunning Angbangbang Billabong Walk. This is a beautiful billabong teeming with bird life. In the late afternoon we take a cruise on the Yellow Water Billabong, home to an astounding variety of wildlife. We may encounter Brumbies, wallabies and goannas drinking from the waterside, salt-water crocodile and thousands of birds including Magpie Geese, Brolga, Cormorants, Pelicans and one of Australia's largest flying birds – the Black-necked stork (Jabiru). The flat-bottomed boat is guided by an expert wildlife guide. In the evening we return to our camp at Djarradjin Billabong. Walking distance: 5-6km. Approx drive time: 2 hours spread over the day

Meals:  B,L,D

Heading south we will explore some of the other stunning waterfalls and gorges of Kakadu. Maguk (Barramundi) Falls is reached via a stunning walk through the monsoon forest, opening out to a deep plunge pool lined with blonde quartzite cliffs. Keep your eye out for birds such as Rainbow pitas, Emerald doves and Spangled drongos as well as the endemic Anbinik tree – the biggest trees in Stone Country. Tonight, we can relax and enjoy our pre-dinner nibbles and yummy dinner as we can take in another Kakadu sunset. Walking distance: 4km Approx drive time: 2 hours spread over the day.

Meals:  B,L,D

Over the day we will undertake our expedition by foot, deep in to Southern Kakadu Buladjang Country. We aim to visit Motor Car Creek Falls areas and undertake a decent walk (up to 11 km), taking most of the day. The highlight is the unspoiled, stunning crystal-clear waterhole and some outstanding views of the surrounding hills and woodland. We have the freedom to set the pace of the walk depending on the group and weather of the day. Our walk takes us through open woodland past some remarkable Salmon Gums, glowing pink in the morning sun, before entering an area of pristine monsoon rainforest. In the afternoon we arrive at our semi-permanent camp near Jim Jim Falls. Walking distance: up to 11km. Approx drive time: 4-5 hours spread over the day.

Meals:  B,L,D

We wake up to the dawn chorus of the multitude of birds of the Savannah and wetlands. Our day is focussed on stunning walks within the World Heritage listed National Park. Your Guides will choose one of two options for you depending on access to Jim Jim Falls, (decided by the Traditional Owners and National Park Ranger). Our visits to Jim Jim Falls aim for an active experience, walking beyond the reach of regular tourist groups and swim in the magnificent rock pools at the bottom of Jim Jim Falls. Keep in mind the thundering torrent usually depicted in the postcards is a phenomenon that only occurs during the wet season and this flow declines gradually through the dry season until it is a gentle, but still magnificent, trickle! We return to our semi-permanent camp nearby in the afternoon. NB: Jim Jim Falls is generally only viable after mid-July. When Jim Jim is closed, we will use this day to walk in the Ubirr region including Cahills Crossing and alter the afternoon of day one to walk to an alternative rock art site. Walking distance: 2-3km Approx drive time: 1.5 hours spread over the day.

Meals:  B,L,D

After our final night in the semi-permanent camp near Jim Jim Falls, we pack up and make our way back to Darwin. On our way we enjoy a visit to Warradjan Cultural Centre. Warradjan encapsulates the rich cultural heritage and history of Kakadu. It features an interactive museum, an art exhibit, and a gathering area where visitors can connect with our Traditional Owners on their ancestral land. Afterwards we enjoy an optional relaxing swim at Cooinda before continuing north to Darwin. We expect to arrive back into Darwin and drop you at your accommodation at around 4pm. We hope you've enjoyed your journey into the unique and unforgettable country of the Top End! Approx drive time: 5-6 hours spread over the day.

Meals:  B,L



The map and elevation chart are for illustrative purposes only and meant to provide general guidelines.


  • 5 breakfasts, 6 lunches and 5 dinners
  • 2 professional wilderness guides
  • Wildlife cruise
  • Safari camps including tents, stretcher beds and swags for sleeping
  • All National Park and camping fees
  • Emergency communications and group first aid kit
  • Transport from central Darwin/airport hotels
  • All dining and catering equipment

  • Airfares
  • Accommodation in Darwin before and after the trip
  • Items of a personal nature
  • Backpacks
  • Sleeping Bag
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Travel insurance
  • Face masks and hand sanitiser



Introductory to Moderate


This trip is for almost anyone with a reasonable level of fitness and competent swimming ability. This adventure is designed for the enthusiastic and adventurous in search of something different. This trip has been graded at an introductory to moderate level. However, some days will be quite active involving steep walks for most of the day, with some sections requiring scrambling. These adventures are best prepared for with some regular moderate exercise. As always with adventure travel, you should enjoy a healthy lifestyle before undertaking this trip. Please bear in mind that because you will be traveling into a remote wilderness, creature comforts are limited. Your level of fitness can also help you acclimatise to the warm temperatures and humidity which can be up to high 30s, so we suggest a bit of swimming, walking, jogging or cycling to get yourself ready for the Territory! The best preparation for your trek is multi day bushwalking involving uneven ground, relatively steep ascents and descents and in variable weather conditions.

Departure dates


High Season
High season supplement applies from 15 June to 15 August, and for any trips that overlap with a public holiday.

Priceper person from


Options & Supplements*
  • Sleeping Bag HireAUD$30
  • Single Supplement (limited)AUD$400
*Prices listed are per person

Essential Information

Ready to book? Make sure you download and read the detailed Kakadu Explorer trip notes which contains all the essential information you need to know before booking. Once you’ve booked, we will supply you with a Pre-Departure document which contains a detailed gear list and other important information to help you prepare for your adventure ahead.

Frequently Asked Questions

There are 2 USB ports in the bus which can be utilised only when the bus being driven.

The consumption of alcohol may not be permitted at each camp. As of July 2024 it is possible to drink at our camps at Muirella and Garnamarr (JimJim). However this is subject to change. The guides will direct you if there are any restrictions for each camp. Alcoholic and aerated drinks are not included in the tour cost. As this trek is in a remote area, alcoholic drinks may not be able to be purchased while on tour. You are most welcome to bring beer, wine or spirits with you however, they will need to be purchased before your trip. Please note that there are restrictions on the sale of Alcohol in Kakadu and there is a very limited range and quantity available at Cooinda. If you are bringing your own drinks, please avoid glass packaging.

You must arrive in Darwin the day before your trek begins. The trip commences with a COMPULSORY pre-departure briefing in the afternoon on the day before departure. It is ESSENTIAL that you make your travel arrangements to enable you to attend this briefing.

We operate the trip from late May to September when walking conditions are at their best. During the cooler months, from June to August, the temperatures range from 30 degrees Celsius during the day dropping to 10 degrees Celsius at night. Conditions on the trail start to heat up in mid-August with temperatures rising to over 40 degrees Celsius from October to late November.

In Kakadu National Park there are no saltwater crocodiles in the designated swimming areas, making them safe for swimming. While freshwater crocodiles may be present, they are shy and generally avoid humans. Always follow park guidelines and swim only in designated areas to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

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Kakadu Explorer Videos

Kakadu Walking Adventure

Positive Impact Travel

By joining this trip you are directly supporting positive impact projects in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

We’ve offset the carbon emitted by this trip by purchasing credits that support important projects that address the UN’s seventeen SDGs, like reducing poverty, affordable and clean energy, reducing hunger, clean water and climate action.

Proceeds from this adventure purchase carbon credits through the world’s largest and most awarded carbon project developer, South Pole, which are invested into projects accelerating the transition to renewable energy sources in developing countries.

Supported projects are based on internationally recognised standards and are third-party audited. They entail a series of positive impacts on the ground, which benefit local communities and ecosystems, that are aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

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