Introductory to Moderate
  • 7 Dinners
  • 7 Lunches
  • 7 Breakfasts
Trip Code: SOG7987

Trip highlights

  • Treking the Kangaroo Island wilderness trail
  • Indigenous Immersion program
  • Explore stunning Kangaroo Island coastline
  • Learn about bees and the importance of honey farming
  • Visit the Seal Colony at Seal Bay
  • Marvel at Admirals Arch and Remarkable Rocks
  • Koala and wildlife sanctuary behind the scenes program
  • Joining park rangers on conservation fire regenerative service work
  • This program is 100% carbon offset. World Expeditions Schools absorb the cost of credits mitigating 100% of the unavoidable carbon emissions as its ongoing commitment to responsible travel

This exceptional learning journey has been put together especially for the students at Mentone Grammar to provide a regenerative travel experience, aimed at having a positive impact on the environment and communities in which we travel. We arrive in Adelaide and learn about the state's long Indigenous history before heading to Sephamore Beach and the Dolphin Sanctuary. We then head south to Kangaroo Island, participating in a cultural awareness program en-route. On Kangaroo Island we join the local rangers and conservation workers as we complete animal welfare programs, explore the National Parks and conservation projects. A stunning program for lovers of animals, activity and wilderness.



On arrival in Adelaide, you will be picked up by your World Expeditions Guides where we will have a full trip and safety briefing. Time permitting we then head to the Adelaide Museum to visit Aborginal Cultural displays before being driven to the Dolphin Sanctuary for a relaxed kayak experience and to enjoy the marine mammals, (dolphins), other wildlife that frequent the area, migratory birds, mangroves and history of the shipwrecks in this stunning location. (Please note if it's too windy and cold for kayaking the team will drive south earlier and enjoy activities in the grounds of their bunkhouse camp) In the late afternoon they drive 2 hours south to their bunkhouse accommodation near the Coorong. Overnight Coorong retreat in bunkhouse accommodation

Meals:  L,D

Today is a special day. After an early start the team will depart for their private cruise on the world famous waterways of the Coorong. During the cruise their will be a Welcome to Country from an expert Indigenous Guide who will also take the team to significant Ngarrindjeri cultural sites & learn how Ngarrindjeri people have lived and flourish in the Coorong for thousands of years. The team will also earn the 'Coorong Shuffle' and dig for Pipi's/Kuti, visit an Indigenous Midden site to learn about bush-tucker and walk the trail to the infamous 90-Mile Beach and the roaring Southern Ocean. In the late afternoon the team will have time to explore the beachside town before being driven back to their accommodation for the evening. Overnight Coorong retreat in bunkhouse accommodation

Meals:  B,L,D

After breakfast we head to Cape Jervis for the ferry to Kangaroo Island, (45 minute ferry crossing). Kangaroo Island is a sanctuary for wildlife and natural beauty. It has just been voted as Australia's number one must see destination by worldwide TIME magazine. With its raw and rugged coastline, clear waters, natural wonders and wildlife, Kangaroo Island is known as nature’s playground. As you step off the ferry onto the island, it's impossible not to feel a sense of calm. We follow the road less traveled and discover unique wildlife, breathtaking scenery and a laid-back lifestyle. Today we will spend the day visiting Seal Bay for a Tour and marine conservation/pollution clear up project. The stunning views of the Australian sea lion colony and the neighbouring coastline make Seal Bay an essential experience for visitors to Kangaroo Island. Seal Bay has been home to an Aus­tralian sea lion pop­u­la­tion for thou­sands of years, and offers one of the most excep­tion­al nature-based expe­ri­ences in the world. There are no enclo­sures or cages at Seal Bay. Instead, you will be tak­en into the heart of the colony where the expe­ri­enced guides will teach you about the Aus­tralian sea lion. There is nowhere else in the world where you can lis­ten to an expert give you their unique insight into how these endan­gered ani­mals hunt, surf, rest, inter­act with their pups and defend their territory. This afternoon we head to the Koala and wildlife Sanctuary for a behind the scenes look at the amazing work the sanctuary has been doing. The centre has been rescuing and raising injured and orphaned wildlife for many years with a lot of the animals that call the park home. Overnight Kangaroo Island Bunkhouse in 4 bed dorms

Meals:  B,L,D

After breakfast the team will spend the day visiting a honey farm to learn about sustainable honey farming, a wildlife sanctuary to learn about the conservation work and/or meet NGOs and, depending on the Ranger's tasks for the day, visit with Parks staff regenerating the fire effected bush. Here we will learn about how the park is recov­er­ing nat­u­ral­ly fol­low­ing the sum­mer bush­fires, which burnt over 50 per cent of the park (and the Ravine des Casoars Wilder­ness Pro­tec­tion Area). Bush­fires have played an inte­gral part in shap­ing the ecol­o­gy of the Aus­tralian land­scape for mil­lions of years. Many native plant species are adapt­ed to sur­vive, regen­er­ate and thrive after fire and much of the park is regain­ing its green cloak of coastal health, mallee wood­land and euca­lypt for­est. Goan­nas, koalas, eagles, kan­ga­roos and echid­nas are reg­u­lar­ly spot­ted in the park. Overnight Kangaroo Island Bunkhouse in 4 bed dorms

Meals:  B,L,D

After breakfast we will trek the second section of the 5 day Kangaroo Island Wilderness Trail in Flinders Chase Nat Park. The trek is a stunning protected area. This entire area was devastated by fires but the fauna and flora is slowly returning. The trek will include walking though the recovering flora, learning about the local fauna and enjoying stunning views over the Southern Ocean. Overnight Kangaroo Island Bunkhouse in 4 bed dorms **Please note our treks are weather dependent and may change depending on local conditions

Meals:  B,L,D

After breakfast the team will trek the third section of the 5 day Kangaroo Island Wilderness Trail in Flinders Chase Nat Park. This trek includes a visit Admirals Arch, time at Remarkable Rocks which are a major highlight of any trip to South Australia. Tonight the team will will stay in exclusive bunk-house accommodation. Overnight Kangaroo Island Bunkhouse in 4 bed dorms **Please note our treks are weather dependent and may change depending on local conditions

Meals:  B,L,D

Today is a day to relax and visit two stunning areas. The furthest westerly point on the island with it's lighthouse and dramatic sea cliffs, then this afternoon the team will visit the Australian ""Beach of the Year 2022"", Stoke Bay, with it's hidden rock passage entry to this stunning beach. Overnight Kangaroo Island Bunkhouse in 4 bed dorms

Meals:  B,L,D

After breakfast we depart Kangaroo Island, board the ferry back to Cape Jervis and then drive to Adelaide Airport for out outbound flight back to Melbourne.

Meals:  B


  • Flights ex Melbourne to Adelaide return
  • Teachers from Mentone Grammar joining the journey
  • All meals
  • Accommodation in quarters, dorms, cabins and hotels
  • Professional wilderness guides
  • National Park and camping fees
  • Emergency communications and group first aid kit
  • All activities and entry fees included in the program
  • All conservation programs

  • Items of a personal nature, such as laundry and postage
  • Sleeping Bag


Introductory to Moderate


Departure dates

Essential Information

Ready to book? Make sure you download and read the detailed Mentone Grammar Kangaroo Island Learning Journey 2024 trip notes which contains all the essential information you need to know before booking. Once you’ve booked, we will supply you with a Pre-Departure document which contains a detailed gear list and other important information to help you prepare for your adventure ahead.

Trip reviews

Positive Impact Travel

By joining this trip you are directly supporting positive impact projects in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

We’ve offset the carbon emitted by this trip by purchasing credits that support important projects that address the UN’s seventeen SDGs, like reducing poverty, affordable and clean energy, reducing hunger, clean water and climate action.

Proceeds from this adventure purchase carbon credits through the world’s largest and most awarded carbon project developer, South Pole, which are invested into projects accelerating the transition to renewable energy sources in developing countries.

Supported projects are based on internationally recognised standards and are third-party audited. They entail a series of positive impacts on the ground, which benefit local communities and ecosystems, that are aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.