Entry level Mountaineering or Exploratory Treks

Traveller Rating


  • 8 days trekking with a full pack, 1 rest/contingency day
  • 8 nights camping, 1 night hotel
  • 9 Dinners
  • 9 Lunches
  • 9 Breakfasts

10 Days$7495AUD

Trip Code: WAG

Trip highlights

  • Spectacular and challenging ridge walking
  • Tasmania's most glaciated mountain landscape
  • High altitude glacial lakes
  • Endemic sub-alpine flora
  • Extraordinary side trips to high peaks

Why Book With Us

  • Maximum 4 trekkers only, supported by 2 experienced guides
  • Most experienced operator in the remote Western Arthur wilderness

Located in the remote Southwest National Park of Tasmania the Southwest Traverse presents one of the world's great bushwalking objectives. Our ten day walking itinerary allows us enough time to do a complete traverse of the range. We include a contingency day for the full traverse of the range and the many environmental challenges that may be faced. This trip is an extremely demanding full pack carrying supported bushwalk. It may experience some of Tasmania's worst weather and conditions.

The Southwest Traverse is open to people with previous hard bushwalking experience and who are confident in difficult geographical and weather situations.



The Southwest Traverse will commence with pick-up from your Launceston CBD accommodation between 8am and 8.30am on Day 1 of the tour. A full pre-departure briefing will be held at our office. The briefing will be approximately 2 hours in duration. You will then take part in an afternoon training walk to get to know your guides & fellow walkers. This walk will be used by your guides to provide them with insight into the overall preparation you have undertaken for the traverse and give them a solid idea of your technical skill level and fitness. The training day location may be weather and group dependent. The training day will include off track navigation, boulder scrambling, basic team work skills, height exposure and a high degree of fitness. Possible training day locations are: - Mt Arthur - Mt Barrow - Ben Lomond Plateau A picnic lunch will be provided & you will be dropped at the group hotel in Launceston in the late afternoon. You will have the evening free to finalise your packing and explore Launceston. NOTE – Walking times are averages for a fit group unimpeded by severe weather conditions and further group dynamics that could affect the overall length of the day Walking Distance: 6-8km. Walking Time: 4-6 hours

Meals:  L,D

We depart Launceston at 6:00am and transfer to Scott's Peak Dam. The drive takes around 4 hours (plus breaks) and rest stops are made underway at Campbelltown, Brighton and New Norfolk. Morning tea is provided en route to the Huon Campsite near Scott's Peak. After a light lunch we commence our trek to Junction Creek along a well-defined track, crossing numerous smaller creek systems. This section of the trail can be very interesting in wet conditions. Traditionally camp is set up around 5pm on this day. Walking Distance: 9km. Walking Time: 3-4 hours.

Meals:  B,L,D

We depart camp this morning at around 8am, and we continue along the Port Davey Track until branching off to the base of Alpha Moraine. This is a long, exposed and steady 2-3 hour climb. Once at the top of the ascent, the relatively easy trek on to our next camp at Lake Cygnus takes us around numerous rocky outcrops and sub-alpine moorland. Walking Distance: 9km. Walking Time: 5-8 hours.

Meals:  B,L,D

Today we climb the first of the high peaks, Mt Hayes. The trail continues on to Square Lake where we aim to have lunch. The exposed section between Mt Sirios and Mt Orion provides a good challenge and the first steep descent along the traverse takes us into the chasm and to our camp at Lake Oberon. This descent will require packs to be hauled and full concentration on rock scrambling. Walking Distance: 5km. Walking Time: 4-6 hours.

Meals:  B,L,D

After breaking camp early the traverse becomes significantly more physical. The trek takes us through numerous gullies and climbing sections, where pack hauling will be essential and team work paramount. Mt Pegasus is tackled early on, followed by Mt Capricorn where traditionally lunch is had in good weather before a significant descent taking around 2 hours. The day is highlighted with expansive views of the south west and large remnants of past glacial activity in the region. Walking Distance: 5km. Walking Time: 6-8 hours.

Meals:  B,L,D

Today is a possible contingency/rest day. This day may fall anywhere within the itinerary depending on group and weather conditions.

Meals:  B,L,D

This day takes us through the jagged peaks of the “Beggary Bumps” / “Buggered Bumps”. After a relatively easy warm up we encounter the steep and difficult descent into the Tilted Chasm, which takes up to 3 hours. Negotiating the final route through this section of the Arthurs is challenging and rewarded with easier walking towards the end of the day. Depending on weather and group dynamics an optional side trip to Mt Taurus can be offered before descending into camp at Haven Lake. Walking Distance: 4km. Walking Time: 6-8 hours.

Meals:  B,L,D

An early and easy side trip can be offered to Mt Alderbaren (3 hours) before continuing with an enjoyable walk down Kappa Moraine to the McKay Track junction to camp for the night. Walking Distance: 5km. Walking Time: 4-6 hours.

Meals:  B,L,D

From our camp we walk the McKays track back to Scott's Peak Dam, we will be met by our driver and stay the night with a BBQ feast in the bush. Walking Distance: 15km. Walking Time: 6-9 hours.

Meals:  B,L,D

We wake this morning and drive back to Launceston where the trip concludes. We will drop you off at one of our two drop-off points in Launceston, which are the Grand Chancellor and the Penny Royal.

Meals:  B



The map and elevation chart are for illustrative purposes only and meant to provide general guidelines.


  • 2 professional wilderness guides
  • 8 nights camping
  • 1 night hotel accommodation
  • 9 breakfasts, 9 lunches and 9 dinners
  • Food drop provisions and ground support
  • Transport by private minibus
  • National park fees
  • Tent & inflatable sleeping mat
  • Group camping equipment including all cooking and eating equipment
  • Emergency communications and group first aid kit

  • Travel to and from Launceston
  • Accommodation before and after the trip
  • Items of a personal nature such as alcoholic beverages, car parking in Launceston etc
  • Travel insurance
  • Face masks


Entry level Mountaineering or Exploratory Treks


The Southwest Traverse is a very tough trip and you need to be fit and prepared. Previous hard, multi-day bushwalking experience is ESSENTIAL. Basic rock-climbing skills are desirable and it is recommended that these are refreshed prior to joining this expedition. There is a high degree of height exposure on certain sections on the trek. Our Southwest Traverse walking adventure involves trekking in remote areas for up to 8 to 10 hours a day, possibly more, over rugged and varied terrain. The tracks may be long, rough and very steep. There will be creek and river crossings, walking on sand and through mud. With remoteness comes potential to encounter variable weather conditions. You will need an excellent level of fitness, be prepared to carry a full pack weighing up to 20kgs and be completely comfortable in adverse weather conditions and remote locations where evacuation may be very difficult. Suggested preparation: We recommend one hour of strenuous exercise 4 times per week (this can be cycling, jogging or walking) interspersed with relatively demanding bushwalks carrying a full pack weight (up to 20kgs). At least once a week, you should walk with a weighted day pack (5–7kg) for several hours for leg strengthening and aerobic fitness. The best exercise for our challenging treks is multi day bushwalking involving relatively steep ascents and descents and in variable weather conditions. Your participation is up to the full discretion of the Tasmanian Expeditions Operations Manager in consultation with senior expedition leaders, who will need to discuss your suitability for this experience.

Departure dates


You must have previous hard bushwalking experience to book on this trip.
Permits for 2025 and 2026 dates are to be confirmed.

Priceper person from


Options & Supplements*
    *Prices listed are per person

Essential Information

Ready to book? Make sure you download and read the detailed Southwest Traverse trip notes which contains all the essential information you need to know before booking. Once you’ve booked, we will supply you with a Pre-Departure document which contains a detailed gear list and other important information to help you prepare for your adventure ahead.

Trip reviews

Positive Impact Travel

By joining this trip you are directly supporting positive impact projects in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

We’ve offset the carbon emitted by this trip by purchasing credits that support important projects that address the UN’s seventeen SDGs, like reducing poverty, affordable and clean energy, reducing hunger, clean water and climate action.

Proceeds from this adventure purchase carbon credits through the world’s largest and most awarded carbon project developer, South Pole, which are invested into projects accelerating the transition to renewable energy sources in developing countries.

Supported projects are based on internationally recognised standards and are third-party audited. They entail a series of positive impacts on the ground, which benefit local communities and ecosystems, that are aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.